

Military History

Status:Active, open to new members
Group leader:
When: Monthly on Thursday mornings 10:00 am-12:00 pm
Last Thursday, no meetings July and August
Venue: Cheltenham Bowls Club

Military History Group

This group was begun by our founder, Tony Hanwell, a few years ago. Sadly, Tony is no longer with us but using his format, the group continues to be successful. At the beginning of each year, a programme of ten monthly talks to cover September to June is published and circulated to the members.  There are no talks in July and August.

We have one or two outside speakers each year. Group members often have life experience or interests that make for an interesting talk. The subject matter is up to the volunteer speaker within the broad spectrum of naval, aviation and military history.

Not everyone is comfortable with public speaking so there is no pressure whatsoever to contribute other than your attendance!

The meetings are held on the last Thursday of each month in the Club room of Cheltenham Bowling Club in Suffolk Square for approximately two hours starting promptly at 10am.  We have a 20 minute coffee break. There is plenty of parking.

To participate you must be a paid up member of Cheltenham u3a but you can come to your first meeting without formality to see if it suits you. If already a member of u3a, send your request and membership number to Sally Ferrers using the link above. Other applicants should join U3A through its website then submit your membership number to this e-mail address.

Even if you are already a member of another group, you are welcome to come and join us.

Group Leader: Sally Ferrers